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abdominal troubles 106

Acacia spp 17, 94, 115, 116, 118, 129

Acacia acuminata 22, 95

Acacia adsurgens 17

Acacia ampliceps 17, 129, 134

Acacia aneura 17, 20, 134

Acacia auriculiformis 129

Acacia baileyana 18, 111

Acacia bivenosa 18, 134

Acacia calamifolia 94

Acacia cambagei 19, 20, 21

Acacia chisholmii 18

Acacia cuspidifolia 18, 134

Acacia cyanophylla 21, 111

Acacia cyclops 18, 111, 129, 134

Acacia dealbata 18. See also colour plates

Acacia decurrens 18

Acacia excelsa 19

Acacia floribunda 129

Acacia galeata 18

Acacia glandulicarpa 19, 111

Acacia harpophylla 19, 20, 21, 94, 129, 134

Acacia howittii 19, 111

Acacia iteaphylla 19, 111

Acacia ligulata 18, 19, 129, 134

Acacia lysiphloia 19

Acacia maconochieana 19

Acacia mearnsii 19

Acacia melanoxylon 20, 73, 85, 111

Acacia notabilis 134

Acacia omalophylla 20

Acacia pendula 19, 20, 21, 93, 129

Acacia pravissima 111

Acacia prominens 111

Acacia pulchella 118

Acacia pycnantha 94, 129, 134

Acacia ramulosa 20, 134

Acacia redolens 129

Acacia retinodes 129

Acacia salicina 20, 21, 93, 129, 134

Acacia saligna 21, 85, 111, 129, 134. See also colour plates

Acacia sclerosperma 18, 21, 134

Acacia sibilans 18, 21, 134

Acacia stenophylla 19, 20, 21, 130, 134

Acacia stipuligera 21

Acacia tetragonophylla 18, 21

Acacia transluscens 130

Acacia victoriae 18, 21

Acacia xiphophylla 130

acacias 68

acai 102

Acanthocerus floridanus 131

Acer campestre 111

Acer ginnala 111

Acer negundo 91, 111, 134

Acer opalus 111

Acer palmatum 111

Acer platanoides 111, 134

Acer pseudoplatanus 111, 134


acerola 63, 136

Acetyl-salicylic acid 83

Achillea tomentosa 114

Achras sapota 67

acid 25, 26, 28, 82, 83, 97, 98

Acmena spp 73

Acmena smithii 73

acne 33

acorn 81

Acrocomia mexicana 98

Acrocomia sclerocarpa 98

Acrocomia totai 98

Actinostrobus pryamidalalis 132

aerial roots 57

Aesculus spp 134

Aesculus hippocastenum 111

Afghan palm 104

African daisy 131

African fan palm 100

African oil palm 102

African piassava 107

Agave spp 111, 134. See also colour plates

agaves 111

Agonis flexuosa 93, 134

Agonis juniperia 111

Agonis marginata 22

agro-forestry 65

Agropyron elongatum 127, 128

aguaje 104

ague 27

Aiphanes acanthophylla 98

Ajuga spp 22, 114

Albizia lebbek 22

Albizia lophantha 22, 79, 111, 118, 130, 134. See also colour plates.

alcohol 100, 106, 125. (see also wine, liqueur)

alcohol fuel 28, 79

alcoholic drink 41

alcoholic intoxication 106

alder 26, 114, 115

algae 121

Algerian oak 113


aliso 26

alkaline 18,19, 21, 28, 40, 61, 79, 81, 82, 83, 91, 97, 98,
106, 128, 130, 133. (see also lime, limestone, calcareous, calcrete)

allegheny chinquapin 34

alley cropping 28

Allocasuarina verticillata 134

almond 34, 113, 118

Alnus spp 26

Alnus acuminata 26

Alnus cordata 26, 111

Alnus glutinosa 26, 111

Alnus incana 27

Alnus jorullensis 111

Alnus nepalensis 27

Alnus nitida 27

Alnus rubra 27, 111

Altalia speciosa 105

Alternaria tenius 88

Alyxia buxifolia 131

Ambrosia hispida 130

American chestnut 34, 111

American oil palm 101, 102

American persimmon 60

Anabaena azolla 121

analobine 71

Ancistrophyllum spp 98

Ancistrophyllum acutiflorum 98

Andean walnut 32. See also colour plates

Angophora spp 23, 94

Angophora costata 111

angoumis grain moth 88

animal feed 105

animals 121

anise 114

Annona spp 70

Annona atemoya 70

Annona cherimola 70

Annona muricata 71

Annona senegalensis 70

Annona squamosa 70


antelopes 18

antibiotic 75

antifeedant 88

antiscorbutic 75

antiseptic 83, 89

antispasmodic 66

Apium annuum 130

Apium graveolens 130

Apium insulare 130

Apium prostratum 130

apple 118

apricot 113, 118

apricot vine 69

aquatic 121



Arachis hypogea 42

Araucaria araucana 41

Araucaria augustifolia 41

Araucaria bidwillii 41. See also colour plates and back cover

Araucaria braziliana 41

Araucaria heterophylla 134

Araucarian pine nut 41

Arbutus unedo 77, 90, 134. See also colour plates

Arcotheca calendulaceum 114

Arctostaphylos uvaursi 131

Arctotis stoechadifolia 131

coastal 137

Areca catechu 99

areca palm 99


Arenga pinnata 99

argan 133

Argania spinosa 133

Argentine walnut 32

arid 18, 19, 21, 88, 89, 93, 128, 130.
(see also desert, drought, dry)

arid tropical 17

Aristidia spp 17

Armeria martima 131

arrow-head 124

arrows 124

arthritis 66

artificial leather 87

artisanry 97

Arundo donax 128

ascorbic acid 63

ash 19, 112, 114, 115

European 135

Asimina triloba 71

asimine 71

asparagus 114, 118, 133

Asparagus officinalis 133

aspen 86

aspirin 83

assai 102

asthma 70

astringency 72

astringent 27, 32, 75, 106, 136

Astrocaryum 103

Astrocaryum aculeatus 99

Astrocaryum jauari 99

Astrocaryum murumuru 99

Astrocaryum vulgare 99

Atalaya hemiglauca 20

athel tamarisk 113, 129

Atriplex spp 111, 114, 128

Atriplex canescens 128

Atriplex halimus 128

Atriplex nummularia 20, 128, 134

Atriplex rhagodioides 128

Atriplex spp 17

Atriplex undulata 128

Atriplex versicaria 128

Attalea funifera 99


Australian golden wattle 134

Australian pine 23

Aviicenna marina 132

avocado 118

awarra 99

azadarach 87

azadarachtin 88, 89

Azadirachta indica 88

Azolla spp 121

Azolla pinnata 121


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baba de boi 108

babaco 64

babacu 105

bacaba 104

Baccaris halimifolia 132, 134

Baccaris patagonica 134

Baccaris pilularis 114

bacteria 15, 22, 26, 121

Bactris gasipae 99

Bactris plumeria 99

Bagrada cruciferarum 88

bags 124

Bahia piassava 99

bald cypress 133

Bald Island marlock 93

balku 96

balm 114, 115

bamboo 85, 96

bamboo palm 107

Bambusa balcoa 96

Bambusa longispiculata 96

Bambusa oldhamii 96

Bambusa ventricosa 97

bana grass 85, 98

banana passion fruit See also colour plates

banana passionfruit 68

banisters 67

banksia 23, 93

Banksia amula 116

Banksia ashbyi 134

Banksia ericifolia 116

Banksia grandis 116

Banksia integrifolia 116, 134

Banksia marginata 94, 134

Banksia ornata 134

Banksia serrata 116

Banksia spinulosa 116

barbados cherry 63, 136

barbassu palm 105

barberry 134

barrel staves 27

barrels 80, 125

barrier 108, 132

barriguda 103

basil 118

basket oak 81

basket willow 84. See also colour plates

baskets 44, 66, 74, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,102, 103, 104, 105,
106, 107, 124, 125

basswood 115

Batis martima 131

bay laurel 136

bayas 104

beach 134

beachwort 131

bead tree 87

beaded glasswort 131

beads 88

beams 67, 72, 74

bean poles 25

beans 118, 119

bearberry 131

beardgrass 127

bee forage 16, 17, 63, 65, 66, 77, 83, 87, 88, 91, 98, 114,
128, 136, 137 (see also honey, nectar, pollen)

beech 82, 114, 135

beechnut 83

beer 136

beet 114

beetroot 118

behen 90

Bejandia spp 99

ben oil 90

Berberis spp 134

berek 123

berries 91, 131, 133, 136, 137

berrigan 135

bertam palm 102

betel palm 99

Betula papyrifera 111

Betula pendula 111

Betula populifolia 132

Betula szechuanica 111


beverages 62, 102, 103, 132, 136

big-cone pine 43

birch 114

bird habitat 133

birds 57

biscuits 43, 44, 106

Bivonea stimulosa 131

black alder 26, 111

black bamboo 97

black bluebush 128, 136

black box 93, 116

black fig 58

black gum 133

black locust 28, 113, 115. See also colour plates

black mulberry 59, 136

black plum 74

black poplar 113

black rhum palm 100

black Sally 117

black sheoak 23, 129, 134

black tupelo 133

black walnut 112

black wattle 19

blackjack oak 80

blackwood 20, 21, 111

bladder saltbush 128

blood coagulant 87

blood discharges 75

blood pressure 66

blowgun palm 103

blue crown passionflower 69

blue gum 116

blue lillipilli 75, 76

blue mallee 117

blue mallet 93

blue oak 113

blue spirea 134

blueberry 76, 125

bluebush 96, 128

boat building 75, 125, 130, 132

boat masts 75

Bohemian olive 133, 135

boils 58, 87

Bolivian walnut 32

bon-yi 41

boobialla 112, 136

borage 114, 115, 118

Borassus aethiopican 100

Borassus aethiopium 100

Borassus flabellifer 100

boree 20

bottled 68

bowls 27

bows 67

box 134

box elder maple 91, 111, 115, 134

Brachychiton populneus 111

Brachycome iberidifolia 134

Brachysema lanceolata 134

Brachytiton rupestris 19

brackish water 26, 104, 106, 124. (see also saline)

brandy 33, 77, 137


Brazil cherry 74

Brazilian guava 72

Brazilian pine 41

bread 43, 61, 80, 83, 106, 108, 123

bridge construction 26, 93, 94, 130

brigalow 19, 94, 134

broccoli 119

bronchial catarrh 106

bronchitis 73, 83

broom honey myrtle 129

brooms 106

browse 26, 62

brush box 113

buckeye 134

Buddha’s belly bamboo 97

Buddleia spp 117

Buddleia davidii 134

bugle lily 114

building 73, 94, 96, 97

bull bay 133

bullock yokes 23

bullock’s heart 70

bullrush 124. See also colour plates

bunya bunya 41

buriti 104

burns 75, 131

burr oak 81, 113

Bursaria spinosa 134

bush chinquapin 34

bushy yate 116

Butia capitata 100

butter 43, 82

butter milk 114

butter substitute 83

butter-fat 32

butterfly bush 134

butum 40, 136

Buxus sempervirens 134

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cabbage palm 107

cabbage palmetto 108

cabbage worm 88

cabbages 118, 119

cabinet making 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 32, 62, 67, 88, 89. (see also timber)

cacao 25, 28


cakes 44, 61, 68, 80, 106

Calamus spp 100

Calamus caesius 100

Calamus erinaceous 100

Calamus manan 100

Calamus maximus 100

Calamus ornatus 100

Calamus scipionum 100

Calamus trachycoleus 100

calcareous 18, 19, 20, 21, 127, 128. (see also alkaline)

calcrete 23

California fan palm 108

Californian black walnut 112

Californian live oak 80, 81

Callistemon viminalis 134

Callitris spp 23, 94

Callitris columellaris 134

Callitris preissii 22, 134

Calluna vulgaris 131

Calocephalus brownii 134

Calodedendrum capense 111

Calospatha spp 100

Calothamnus quadrifidus 134

camels 62, 106

camphor laurel 112

canary grass 127

Canary Islands date 105

candles 87, 90, 101, 136

canes 101

canoes 75

Cape Barren tea 132

Cape chestnut 111

cape lilac 87, 112, 117, 136

capeweed 114, 115

capped mallee 94

capuli 65

capulin cherry 65, 118. See also colour plates

cardboards 125

cardiotonic 70

Carica spp 64

Carica goudoutiana 64

Carica monoica 64

Carica papaya 63

Carica pubescens 64

Carica stipulata 64


Carissa grandiflora 131

Carissa macrocarpa 131

carminative 75

carnauba wax 100, 101, 108

carob 79, 111, 115, 118, 134. See also colour plates

Caroline ivory nut palm 104

carpentry 72, 91

Carpinus betulus 134

Carpobrotus spp 114, 131

Carpobrotus modestus 131

Carpobrotus rossii 131

carriages 59, 93

carrots 118, 119

cart shafts 74

carts 27, 59

cartwheels 89, 130

carving 27, 32, 59, 91, 130

Carya illinoensis 38, 42, 111

Caryopteris incana 134

Caryota mitis 100

Caryota urens 100

Casimiroa edulis 66. See also colour plates

cask heads 23

cask hoops 37

casks 82

Cassia spp 20

Castanea spp 33, 134

Castanea alnifolia 34

Castanea crenata 33

Castanea dentata 34, 111

Castanea henryi 34

Castanea mollissima 34

Castanea ozarkensis 34

Castanea pumila 34

Castanea sativa 33, 111. See also colour plates

Castanea seguinii 34

Castanopsis chrysophylla 34

castor 87, 117

Casuarina spp 22, 94, 129

Casuarina cristata 19, 20, 21, 23, 129, 134

Casuarina cunninghamiana 23, 111, 134

Casuarina equisetifolia 23

Casuarina fraserana 23, 93, 111

Casuarina glauca 111, 129, 132

Casuarina huegeliana 23

Casuarina humulis 134

Casuarina littoralis 23

Casuarina obesa 21, 24, 111, 129

Casuarina stricta 24, 94, 111

Casuarina torulosa 24, 111


catalpa 111

Catalpa bignonioides 111

Catalpa speciosa 111

catarrhal enteritis 33

catarrhal infections 58

cathartic 44, 88

cattail 124

cattle 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 45, 62, 75, 85, 91, 107, 122,
123, 130. (see also stock feed, fodder, cows)

cattle bush 112, 136

cauliflowers 118, 119

caulking 125

Ceanothus spp 134

Ceanothus americanus 134

cedar of Lebanon 92

cedars 91

Cedrus spp 91

Cedrus atlantica 91, 134

Cedrus deodara 92

Cedrus libanii 92

celery 118, 130

cellulose 86, 102


Celtis Australis 77, 111

Celtis occidentalis 111

Ceratonia siliqua 79, 111, 134. See also colour plates

Ceratonlobus spp 100

Ceratopteris thalictroides 122

Cercis siliquastrum 112

Ceriops tagal 132

Ceroxylon alpinum 100

Ceylon date 106

chair making 27, 83, 100

chair seats 125

chalk soils 26, 80, 82

Chamaecytisus palmensis 15, 112

chamburo 64

Chamelaucium uncinatum 134

charcoal 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 37,
65, 72, 82, 97, 106, 130

Chenopodium spp 96

Chenopodium quinoa 133

cherimoya 70

cherry 113, 118

cherry alder 76

cherry palm 107

chervil 118

chest ailments 72

chestnut 33, 134. See also colour plates

chewing gum 40, 63, 67

chicken claws 131

chicken forage 16, 66, 77, 89, 90, 106. (see also poultry)

chicory 114, 115

chiku 67

Chilean guava 73

Chilean nut 117

Chilean wine palm 103. See also colour plates

China berry 87

Chinese birch 111

Chinese chestnut 34, 118

Chinese chinquapin 34

Chinese hawthorn 112

Chinese lotus 124

Chinese persimmon 59

Chinese pistachio 40, 112

Chinese poplar 86, 113

Chinese red date 61

Chinese tallow tree 90, 113, 117

Chinese water chestnut 123

Chinese white pine 42

Chinese windmill palm 108

chinquapin 34

chinquapin oak 81

chipboard 25, 85

Chisholm’s minni ritchi 18

chives 118

chocolate substitute 79

Choisya spp 134

Christ thorn 62

Christmas tree 112

Chrotogonus trachypterus 88

Chrysanthemum frutescens 134

Chrysobalanus icaco 132

Chrysolepis spp 34

Chrysolepis chrysophylla 34

Chrysolepis sempervirens 34

cigar boxes 88

Cinnamomum camphora 112

Cissus hypoglauca 73

Cistus spp 135

Cistus landanifer 114

citron 87

citrus 66, 115, 117, 118

clay 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27, 31, 61, 63, 72, 88, 93, 130

clay sands 23

Clianthus formosus 135

clogs 27

cloth 103

clovers 116

cluster swamp palm 105

coal 89

coast banksia 134

coast live oak 80

coast sheoak 23, 24

coast tea tree 132

coastal 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 31, 58, 73, 74, 76, 80,
86, 90, 93, 95, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 129, 134,
135, 136, 137. (see also dunes, sea shore, sea winds, salt spray)

coastal dunes 21, 90

coastal moort 95

coastal sands 24

coastal wattle 18, 111, 134

Coccoloba uvifera 131

coco de catorro 98

coco de mer 103

cocoa butter 90

cocoa palm 132

coconut palm 101

Cocos nucifera 101

coco-yam 122

cocoyams 125

coffee 24, 28

coffee substitute 25, 45, 61, 82, 83, 91, 136

coffins 26, 65

cohune palm 105

col de monte 64

cold 25, 26, 40, 43, 44, 69, 80

colds 61, 63, 73, 106, 135

colic 66

Colocasia antiquorum 122

Colocasia esculenta 122. See also colour plates

coloniser 18

Colophospermum mopane 130, 135

Colorado piñon 43

Columbian passionfruit 70

comfrey 114

common alder 26, 111

common beech 82, 112, 135

common hawthorn 112

common hornbeam 134

common maple 111

common purslane 133

common reed grass 124

common white heath 135

compacted soils 18

companions 118

condiment 62

confectionery 31, 32, 43, 59, 124, 132

conjunctivitis 87

conserves 137

construction 23, 24, 66, 85, 89, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 102, 105.
(see also timber)

containers 99


cooba 21, 93, 134

cooked greens 122

cooking 83

cool 91

cootamundra wattle 18, 111

Copernicia spp 101

Copernicia cerifera 101

Copernicia prunifera 101

Copernicia rigida 101

coppice 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 33, 37, 59, 86, 88, 89, 91,
92, 130. See also colour plates

copra 101

coprosma 90

Coprosma baueri 132

Coprosma kirkii 114

Coprosma repens 90, 112, 132

coquilla nut 99

coquitos 103, 105

coral tree 112

cordials 136

coriander 118, 119

cork 82, 104

cork oak 82, 113

corm 122, 124, 125

corn 65


Cornus capitata 90, 112

Cornus mas 135

coroba 108

corozo 102, 108

Corozo oleifera 101

Correa alba 132, 135

Correa decumbens 135

Correa mannii 135

Cortaderia selloana 98, 135


Corylus spp 37

Corylus avellana 37

Corylus maxima 37

Corynocarpus laevigatus 112

Corypha elata 101

Corypha talliera 101

Corypha umbraculifera 101

cosmetics 45, 87, 103

cotoneaster 89

Cotoneaster spp 89, 135

cotton 87

cotton bush 129

cottonwood 86, 113

coughs 63, 72

coulter pine nut 43

cowpea 116

cows 22, 26, 32. (see also cattle)

craft 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 84, 97

cramps 136

Crataegus cordata 135

Crataegus monogyna 112

Crataegus oxyacantha 135

Crataegus phaenopyrum 112

crates 26, 28, 37, 106

creek satinash 76

creeping juniper 136

creeping ragweed 130

crema de curuba. 69

crema de ponsigne 62

cress 114

crested wattle 22, 134

cricket bat willow 84

Crithmum maritimum 133

crows 45

Crysophia warscewiczii 101

cucumbers 118

culinary 136

cumbungi 124, 134

cumby cumby 136

cup gum 116

curries 90

curtain fig 57

curuba 68

cushion bush 134

custard apple 70

custard banana 71

cutting oil 87

cuttings 83

cyanogenic glycosides 68


Cyphomandra betacea 65

Cyprus turpentine tree 40

Cyrtostachys lakka 101

cystisis 106

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Daemonorops spp 101

daisy 114, 115

daisy bush 136

Dalbergia sissoo 130

dandelion 114, 115

dandruff 33

date palm 106, 136

date plum 60

deer 45, 83, 107, 130

Delosperma ‘alba’ 114

demulcent 106

Dendrocalamus strictus 97

dental abscesses 58

deodar cedar 92

derris 89

Derris indica 89, 130, 135

desert 102, 106. (see also arid)

desserts 66, 69, 71

detergent 32

detersive 106

Deutzia spp 135

diabetes 66, 75

diarrhoea 32, 63, 66, 70, 72, 73, 75, 106

diatoms 121

difficult sites 18

digestion aid 63

digestive stimulant 68

digger pine 44

dill 114, 119

dilly 67

dilly bags 58

Diospyros dignya 60

Diospyros lotus 60

Diospyros kaki 59

Diospyros virginiana 60

Diplolaena spp 135

Diplothemium maritimum 101

Distichlis palmeri 133

Distichlis spicata 133

diuretic 70, 75, 106

dock 114

Dodonea viscosa 129

dogs 106

dogwood 90

doors 86

double coconut 103

doum 102

downy chinquapin 34

drainage lines 21

drawing boards 85

drinks 66, 69, 71, 100, 101, 131

drooping sheoak 24

Drosanthemum hispidum 114

drought 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31, 33, 34, 40, 43, 44, 45,
57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79,
80, 82, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 105, 128, 129, 133,
137. (see also dry, arid)

drought fodder 23

drowsiness 70

drumstick 90

dry 24, 26, 32, 34, 82, 87, 88, 89, 95, 97, 103, 104, 107, 108, 130.
(see also drought, arid)

Dryandra spp 116

duck potatoes 124

ducks 67, 105, 121

duckweed 121

dum palm 102

dumplings 124

dune palm 101

dune stabilising 101

dunes 128, 134. (see also coast)

durmast oak 81

durobby 76

dwarf coyote bush 114

dye 74, 75, 99, 101, 136

dyeing 27, 72, 87

dysentry 63, 66, 70, 72, 73, 75

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eastern black walnut 32


Echium candicans 135. See also colour plates

Echylaena tomentosa 132

Ecuadorian walnut 32

edible bean 28

edible heart 99

eelgrass 134

Eeugenia brasiliensis 74

eggs 66

Elaeagnus angustifolia 112, 133, 135

Elaeis guineensis 102

Elaeis oleifera 102

elder 114, 137

electrical insulator pegs 28

Eleocharis dulcis 123. See also colour plates

Eleocharis tuberosa 123

elephant grass 85, 98

elm 113, 114, 115

emergent 122

emetic 70, 71, 87, 88

emetic. 136

emmenagogue 87

emollient 89

enema 87

engineering 92, 94

English hawthorn 135

English mulberry 59

English oak 81, 113, 136

English walnut 33

engsai 123

enlargement of the spleen 75

Epacris impressa 135

Eragrostis spp 17

Eremophila spp 20

Eremophila glabra 135

Eremophila longifolia 135

Eremophila oppositifolia 135

Eremophila santalina 135

Eremospatha spp 102


Eriobotrya japonica 62. See also colour plates

Eriodictyon trichocalyx 114

erosion control 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 83, 84, 104, 106, 107, 130, 131, 133

Erythea edulis 102

Erythrina ‘Indica’ 112

Escallonia spp 135

Escallonia macantha 132

essential oils 91, 129, 136

estuaries 23

eucalypts 92

Eucalyptus spp 17, 23, 92, 130

Eucalyptus accedens 94, 96

Eucalyptus acmenoides 94

Eucalyptus albens 92, 94, 116

Eucalyptus annulata 95

Eucalyptus aquilina 93

Eucalyptus bosistoana 20

Eucalyptus calophylla 23, 92, 93, 95, 96, 116

Eucalyptus calycogona 94

Eucalyptus camaldulensis 21, 93, 94, 116, 135

Eucalyptus cambageana 19

Eucalyptus campaspe 95

Eucalyptus celastroides 96

Eucalyptus citriodora 135

Eucalyptus cladocalyx 94, 116

Eucalyptus cornuta 22, 93, 116

Eucalyptus cosmophylla 116

Eucalyptus crebra 21, 94

Eucalyptus cypellocarpa 20

Eucalyptus decipiens 95

Eucalyptus delegatensis 18

Eucalyptus diversicolor 95, 116

Eucalyptus diversifolia 116, 135

Eucalyptus dives 18

Eucalyptus drepanophylla 21

Eucalyptus dumosa 116

Eucalyptus eremophila 93, 116

Eucalyptus erythrocorys 135

Eucalyptus falcata 95

Eucalyptus fasciculosa 94

Eucalyptus fastigata, 18

Eucalyptus ficifolia 116

Eucalyptus foecunda 94, 96

Eucalyptus gardneri 93

Eucalyptus globulus 20, 116

Eucalyptus gomphocephala 93, 116, 135

Eucalyptus goniocalyx 94

Eucalyptus grandis 116

Eucalyptus grossa 116

Eucalyptus gummifera 116

Eucalyptus huberana 94

Eucalyptus incrassata 116

Eucalyptus lansdowneana 135

Eucalyptus largiflorens 20, 21, 93, 116

Eucalyptus lehmannii 22, 93, 116

Eucalyptus leucoxylon 94, 135

Eucalyptus longicornis 95

Eucalyptus loxophleba 94, 95

Eucalyptus macrandra 116

Eucalyptus macrocera 93

Eucalyptus macrorhyncha 116

Eucalyptus maculata 94, 112, 116

Eucalyptus marginata 23, 93, 95, 96, 116

Eucalyptus melanophloia 20, 21

Eucalyptus melliodora 94, 116

Eucalyptus microcarpa 94, 117

Eucalyptus microcorys 94

Eucalyptus microtheca 19, 20, 21

Eucalyptus moluccana 21, 94

Eucalyptus muellerana 20, 94, 117

Eucalyptus nortonii 18

Eucalyptus nutans 135

Eucalyptus obliqua 20, 95, 117

Eucalyptus occidentalis 95, 117, 130, 135

Eucalyptus odorata 94

Eucalyptus orgadophila 20

Eucalyptus ovata 20, 117

Eucalyptus paniculata 94

Eucalyptus patens 95, 117

Eucalyptus pauciflora 117

Eucalyptus pileata 94, 96

Eucalyptus pillularis 94

Eucalyptus platypus 95, 117, 130, 135

Eucalyptus polyanthemos 94, 95, 117

Eucalyptus populnea 19, 20, 21

Eucalyptus propinqua 94

Eucalyptus punctata 94

Eucalyptus radiata 18, 20

Eucalyptus regnans 18, 20

Eucalyptus rudis 93, 95

Eucalyptus saligna 20, 94

Eucalyptus salmonophloia 94, 95, 96, 117

Eucalyptus salubris 94, 95, 96, 117

Eucalyptus sargentii 96, 130

Eucalyptus sideroxylon 94, 96

Eucalyptus smithii 20

Eucalyptus spathulata 130, 135

Eucalyptus stellulata 117

Eucalyptus striaticalyx 21

Eucalyptus tereticornis 21

Eucalyptus tetragona 95

Eucalyptus torquata 135

Eucalyptus transcontinentalis 95, 96

Eucalyptus viminalis 18, 20, 94, 117

Eucalyptus wandoo 94, 96, 117

Eucalyptus woodwardii 135

Eucalyptus woollsiana 20

Eucryphia lucida 117

Eugeissona tristis 102

Eugeissona utilis 102

Eugenia spp 73

Eugenia dombeyi 74

Eugenia smithii 73, 112. See also colour plates

Eugenia uniflora 74

Euonymus spp 135

Euphorbia tirucalli 132


Euphrates poplar 86, 113

Euramerican poplar 87

European ash 135

European aspen 133

European beech 82, 135. See also colour plates

Euterpe edulis 102

Euterpe oleracea 102

evacuant for children 87

evergreen alder 111

evergreen dogwood 112

Exocarpos cupressiformis 112

eye irritation 87

eyewash 66

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FABACEAE/PAPILIONACEAE 15, 17, 24, 27, 28, 89

fabric printing 87

face veneers 88

FAGACEAE 33, 34, 80, 82

Fagus spp 82

Fagus sylvatica 82, 112, 135. See also colour plates

fans 103, 106

fast growing 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 45, 59, 64, 65, 69,
74, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 98, 103, 105,
123, 129, 130, 133

febrifuge 66

feijoa 73, 118

Feijoa sellowiana 73

fence barrier 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 108. See also colour plates

fence posts 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 59, 92, 94, 95, 102, 130.
(see also timber, posts)

fennel 114, 115, 119

fenugreek 114

Fetescue elatior 127

fevers 27, 83, 89

fibre 99, 100, 103, 104, 107, 108

fibreboard 85

Ficus spp 57

Ficus carica 57

Ficus macrophylla 58, 112. See also colour plates

Ficus religiosa 89

field pea 15

fig 57, 118

figurines 66

figwood 58

Fiji fan palm 107

filbert 37

finger rot 131

fire 18, 130

fire barriers 80

fire breaks 86

fire retardant 19, 21, 24, 25, 88, 90, 91, 94

fire tolerant 98

firethorns 136

firewood 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 32, 33,
62, 65, 72, 83, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 106, 130.
(see also fuel)

fish 121

fish food 123

fish pole bamboo 97

fishing lines 71

fishing nets 58, 71, 75

fishtail palm 100

flagellates 121

flatulence 87

flavouring 133, 136, 137

flax 114

flea powder 88

fleas 27

fleshy sulla 128, 136

flies 74

Flinders Range wattle 19

Flinders wattle 134

Flindersia maculosa. 20

floating 121

floating manna grass 123

floating rice 124

floats 104

flooded gum 93, 95

flooding 21, 23, 67, 72, 83, 84, 86, 90, 99, 101, 102, 103,
104, 106, 107, 123

floor joists 25

flooring 20, 67, 81, 83, 85, 94, 95, 96, 101

Florida royal palm 107

flour 41, 59, 61, 66, 81, 123, 125

flour additive 124

flowers 135, 137

fly paper 87

fodder 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28, 37, 62, 83, 97, 114, 127, 130.
(see also forage, stock feed, browse)

food 82

food colouring 135

foodstuffs 21

forage 62, 67, 83, 102, 104, 106, 108, 114, 133. (see also
fodder, stock feed, browse)

forest sheoak 24, 111

Forsythia spp 135

Fortunella japonica 112

four winged saltbush 128

foxglove 114

fragrant timber 136

framework 85

framing 94

Frankia spp 22

Fraser’s sheoak 23, 111

Fraxinus spp 112

Fraxinus excelsior 135

Fraxinus ornus 135

frost 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 36, 41, 42, 43, 44,
45, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74,
76, 77, 79, 81, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 106, 128, 129, 130, 131,
132, 133

fruit 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 131, 132,
133, 134, 135, 136

fruit bats 57

fruit boxes 85

fruit salads 64, 69

fruits 137

fuchsia 76

Fuchsia spp 76, 135

fuel 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 28, 75, 89, 97, 100, 104, 105.
(see also firewood)

furniture 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 59, 65,
66, 67, 75, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 92, 95, 97, 98,
100, 101, 102, 104, 106, 130. (see also timber)

Fusarium wilt 68

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gadum 40

garden stakes 97

garlic 114, 118, 119

garlic flavour 25

garnish 69

Garrya spp 135

gastric cancer 68

gastroenteritis 72

Gawler Range wattle 19, 111

Gazania spp 114

gaze 80

Geijera parviflora 19

genito-urinary ailments 106

Genonoma spp 102

Geraldton wax 134

geraniums 118

Gevuina avellana 117

gewang palm 101

giant granadilla 69

giant reed 128

giant timber bamboo 96

gimlet 94, 95, 96, 117

gin 136

gingerbread palm 102

ginkgo 112

Ginkgo biloba 112

girders 25

gladioli 119

glandular swelling 33

Gleditsia triacanthos 28, 135. See also colour plates

Gliricidia sepium 112

globe artichoke 115

glue 41

Glyceria aquatica 123

Glyceria fluitans 123

Glyceria maxima 123

glycosuria 75

goat willow 133

goats 18, 26, 28, 45, 62, 88

golden bamboo 97

golden chinquapin 34

golden rain wattle 111

golden wreath wattle 21, 111

gomuti palm 99

gonorrhea 106

gorse 132

gout 33

grain 89, 124, 133

GRAMINEAE 124, 125

granadilla 68. See also colour plates

granite sheoak 23

grapes 59, 79, 118

grass 98

grasses 27

grasshoppers 88

gray alder 27

grazing systems 101

great water grass 123

green manure 20, 89

green wattle 18

greens 64

Grevillea spp 117

Grevillea ilicifolia 135

Grevillea leucopteris 135

Grevillea pauciflora 135

Grevillea robusta 112, 115

Grevillea vestita 135

grey birch 132

grey box 94, 117

grey mangrove 117, 132

grey poplar 86

Griselinia littoralis 112, 132

ground covers 130

groundsel bush 132, 134

gru gru nut 98

gruels 43

grumichama 74

Guadaloupe palm 102

guagara 103

guaje 25

guava 72, 118

Guilielma gasipaes 99, 102

Guinea worm 87

guitars 32, 65

gum 21, 41

gum boils 58

gum myrtle 111

gum problems 33

gum rockrose 114

gun-butts 33

gundabluey 21

gunpowder 27

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hackberry 77, 111

haemorrhage 27

haemostatic 27

hair oils 87, 88

hairy pod wattle 19, 111

Hakea spp 117

Hakea eriantha 117

Hakea francisiana 117

Hakea salicifolia 112, 115

Hakea suaveolens 112, 135, 132

Halosarcia spp 129

hammocks 104

handles 17, 23, 83, 91, 130

hardboard 19, 20

hardwood 92, 95

hardy 89, 91

hats 99, 107

hawane 107

hawthorn 114, 115

hay 21, 98

hazel 114

hazelnut 37

head lice 88

headache 70

heart-of-palm 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107

heat 26, 40, 43, 62, 80, 82, 86, 88

heather 131

Hebe spp 136

Hedera spp 114. See also colour plates

hedge 62, 63, 73, 74, 77, 83, 90, 96, 97, 133, 134, 135

hedgerow 115

Hedysarum carnosum 128, 136

Hedysarum coronarium 128, 136

Helianthemum spp 114, 136

Helianthemum nummularium 114

Helianthus annua 114

Heminthosporium spp 88

henon bamboo 97

Henry chestnut 34

hepatic 32

herb Robert 114

Herbert River passionfruit 69

Heterodendrum diversifolium 19

Heterodendrum oblifolium 112

Hibiscus spp 136

hickory 38

highland papayas 64

Himalayan alder 27

holly 112, 114

holly grevillea 135

holly oak 80, 136

hollyhock 114

holm oak 80, 113, 132, 136. See also colour plates

honey 22, 27, 28, 43, 75, 77, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 100,
114, 129, 132, 134, 135, 136. (see also bees, nectar)

honey locust 28, 115, 135. See also colour plates

honey substitute 77

hop bush 129

horse chestnut 111, 134

horse mulga 20, 134

horseradish 90, 119

horseradish tree 90

horses 16, 26, 106

horsetail tree 23

hot 32, 80, 87, 89, 130

hot summers 38, 40, 44

house building 59, 75, 95

house-hold utensils 62

Hovenia dulcis 77

Huang-lien-mu 40

human food 28

Hungarian oak 80

hydraulic fluids 87

Hylocereus undatuns 132

Hyospathe spp 102

Hypericum spp 136

Hyphaene thebiaca 102

hyssop 118, 119

hysteria 88

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ice cream 43, 68, 69, 106

ice cream bean 28, 136

ice plant 133

icing 68

icoaco palm 132

Ilex aquifolium 112

imber 91

inaja 104

Indian alder 27

Indian beech 89, 130, 135

Indian blue pine 43, 136

Indian jujube 62

Indian lilac 87

Indian water chestnut 122

infertile soils 19

inflamed gums 72

inflammation 27, 66

inflammation (during lactation) 87

Inga spp 28

Inga edulis 28, 136

insect repelent 89

insect repellent 89

insecticide 71, 88

insects 91

insomnia 70

intestinal troubles 106

invasive 97

Ipomea aquatica 123

Iriartea setigera 103

Iriartea ventricosa 103

Irish strawberry tree 77, 134. See also colour plates

Italian alder 26, 111

Italian maple 111

Italian stone pine 44

ivory nut palm 106

ivy 114, 117. See also colour plates

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Jacksonia spp 114

jagua palm 103

Jalenia pubescens 114

jambolan 74

jams 33, 59, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 72, 74, 76, 77, 131, 133

janchicoco 105

Japanese chestnut 33

Japanese loquat 62

Japanese maple 111

Japanese medlar 62

Japanese raisin tree 77, 117

Japanese sawtooth oak 113

jarrah 93, 95, 96, 116

jauari 99

jaul 26

jaundice 89

Java plum 74

jays 45

Jeffrey pine nut 43

jellies 59, 61, 62, 65, 66, 68, 69, 74, 75, 76, 77, 106,
108, 131, 133, 137

jelly 67, 72, 73, 91

jelly palm 100

jeriva 108

Jessenia bataua 103

Jessenia polycarpa 103

Jesuit nut 122

jila jila 17, 134

Johannis piñon 43, 136

joinery 20, 23, 72, 92, 95

Jojoba 45. See also colour plates

Jubaea chilensis 103. See also colour plates

Jubaea spectabilis 103

jube 61

jucara 102

Judas tree 112


Juglans spp 32

Juglans australis 32

Juglans boliviana 32

Juglans hindsii 32, 112

Juglans neotropica 32. See also colour plates

Juglans nigra 32, 112

Juglans regia 33, 42, 112

Juglans venezuelensis 33

juice 69, 72

juiced 68

jujube 61, 118, 137

juniper 114, 136

juniper myrtle 111

Juniperus barbedensis 132

Juniperus communis 136

Juniperus horizontalis 136

Juniperus pfitzerana 136

Juniperus sabina 136

Juniperus sargentii 136

jute 125

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kakee 59

kale 114

kallar grass 133

kang kong 123

kangaroos 17

kanji 89

karanda 89

karanja 89

karkalla 131

karri 95, 116

Kennedia spp 114

kernels 122

Kerria spp 136

khai-nam 122

kinnikinik 131

kitchen utensils 85

Kochia spp 114

Kochia sedifolia 136

kohlrabi 119

Kolkwitzia spp 136

kona 89

Korthalsia spp 103

Kosteletzkya virginica 133

kulaiaan 21

kurrajong 111

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labran 26

lac 62

lactagogue 87

Lagunaria patersonia 112, 136

Lampronthus spp 114

lard 90

large seeded cooba 21, 134

lateritic clays 23

latex 67

laurel 112

laurel, sweet bay 136

Laurus nobilis 112, 136

Lavandula spp 136

lavender 114, 115, 136

laxative 58, 87, 136

leather 87

leather dressing 87, 89

leather, artificial 87

leatherwood 117

leaves 124, 125

leeks 119

legume 15

Lemna spp 121


lemon 114

Leopolinia piassaba 103

leprosy 87

Leptochloa fusca 133

Leptospermum laevigatum 132, 136

Lespedeza bicolor 27

lethargy 70

lettuce 119

leucaena 24

Leucaena spp 24

Leucaena collinsii 26

Leucaena diversifolia 25

Leucaena esculenta 25

Leucaena glauca 24

Leucaena lanceolata 26

Leucaena latisiliqua 24

Leucaena leucocephala 24. See also colour plates

Leucaena macrophylla 25

Leucaena pulverulenta 26

Leucaena retusa 26

Leucaena shannoni 26

Leucaena trichodes 26

lice 27

lichee 118

licuala 103

Licuala spp 103

licuri palm 108

lighting 83

Ligustrum spp 112, 136

lilac 137

lillipilli 73, 112. See also colour plates

limber pine nut 43

lime 43, 114. (see also alkaline)

limestone 17, 22, 23, 43, 63, 74, 80, 82, 89, 91, 95, 108,
128. (see also alkaline)

limestone swamps 133

Limnocharis flava 123


linden 113, 115

linen 87

ling-chio 122

linoleum rubber substitutes 87

Linospadix monostachya 103

lintels 67

lipase 87

liqueur 62, 69, 77, 136

liquid wax 45

liquors 74

Liriodendron tulipifera 112

lithosols 19

little coconut 103, 105

live oak 82, 113

liver 106

liver complaints 63, 70, 89

livestock 21, 28, 59, 89, 99, 101, 103, 106, 107, 114

Livistona spp 103

Livistona australis 103

Livistona decipiens 103

Livistona saribus 103

loaves 80

Locusta migratoria 88

locusts 88

Lodoicea maldivica 103

Lolium rigidum 127

lombardy poplar 86

London plane 112

long flowered marlock 116

loquat 62, 118. See also colour plates

lotus 123, 124

lotus spp 116

Lotus birtholetii 114

lo’ulu palms 107

lubricant 45, 87, 89

lucerne 15, 65, 114, 116, 118

lucmarucma 66

lucmo 66

lucuma 66

lucumo 66

Lucumo obovata 66

lumbago 87

lupins 116

Lupinus arboreus 17, 136

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macadamia 31, 118

Macadamia spp 31

Macadamia integrifolia 31

Macadamia tetraphylla 31

macauba 98

Madake giant timber bamboo 97, 136

Madeira redwood 133, 137

magenta lillipilli 76

Magnolia grandifolia 112

mahal bamboo 96

mahogany 133, 137

Maireana spp 17, 96, 128

Maireana aphylla 129

Maireana brevifolia 128

Maireana pyramidata 128, 136

Maireana sedifolia 128, 136

malacca cane 100

male bamboo 97

mallee 95

mallee honey myrtle 129

mallow 114

Malpighia glabra 63, 136

Malus spp 136

mango 89, 118

mangrove 104

Manicaria saccifera 103

Manilkara hexandra 130

Manilkara zapota 67, 130

manna 43, 80, 132, 135

manna ash 135

manna gum 117

manure 87

maple 115, 134

maple sugar 91

maple syrup 91

margarine 108

marguerite 134

marigold 119

marjoram 114, 115

marl 63

marmalade plum 67

marmalades 131

marri 92, 93, 95, 96, 116

marsh marigold 117

Martinez piñon 44

masticatory 99

masts 97

matches 85

matchwood 20

mats 97, 105, 106, 108, 125

matting 101, 124

Mauritia armata 104

Mauritia flexuosa 104

Mauritia gracili 104

Mauritia vinifera 104

Maximiliana martiana 104

Mayan temples 67

maypop 69

mazani palm 104

mbocaya palm 98

meat 136

meat tenderisers 63

medicinal 102, 136

medicine 63, 101

meemeei 136

Melaleuca spp 96, 117, 129

Melaleuca acuminata 129

Melaleuca bracteata 129

Melaleuca brevifolia 129

Melaleuca calycina 129

Melaleuca cardiophylla 129

Melaleuca cymbifolia 129

Melaleuca ericifolia 136

Melaleuca glomerata 129

Melaleuca halmaturorum 136

Melaleuca hamulosa 129

Melaleuca hypericifolia 136

Melaleuca lanceolata 112, 129, 136

Melaleuca nervosa 129

Melaleuca nesophila 136

Melaleuca pauperiflora 129

Melaleuca preissiana 129

Melaleuca pubescens 132

Melaleuca stypheloides 129

Melaleuca subtrigona 129

Melaleuca thyroides 129

Melaleuca uncinata 19, 129

Melaleuca wilsonii 136

Melia azedarach 87, 112, 136


Meliodogyne gavanica 88

mellitus 75

menorrhogia 75

menstrual flow 72

menstruation 87, 88

Mentha spp 125

mescal bean 137

mesembrine 131

Mesembryanthemum spp 114

Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 133

messmate 95, 117

Metrosideros excelsa 112

Metrosideros tomentosa 133

Metroxylon amicarum 104

Metroxylon laeve 104

Metroxylon rumphii 104

Metroxylon sagu 104

Mexican piñon 43

Mexican white pine 42

meyer bamboo 97

Michigan banana 71

midge bites 131

mijinko-uki-kusa 122

milk 32

milk flow 33

milk production 32

milk thistle 115

milkshakes 66

millet grass 127, 136

MIMOSACEAE 17, 22, 24, 28, 122

mimosine 25

mine timbers 17, 19, 20, 23, 28, 95, 130. (see also timber)

minni ritchi 19

mint 114, 115, 119

mintilpi 17

miracle plant 27

mirret 96

miso 61

molasses 102

mongoose 107

monkey cap palm 103

monkey puzzle tree 41

moonah 112, 129

moort 117

mopane 130, 135


Moreton Bay fig 57, 58, 112, See also colour plates

moriche 104

Moringa oleifera 90


mortars 75

Morus spp 59

Morus alba 59

Morus nigra 59, 136

Morus rubra 59

mosquito larvae 88

mosquitoes 121

mother of cocoa 112

mountain ash 91

mountain cabbage 64

mountain sheoak 24

mouth diseases 75

mouth ulcers 72

mouth wash 32, 75

Mt Atlas cedar 91, 134

Mt Atlas pistachio 40, 136

Mt. Le Grand mallee 93

mucaja 98

mulberry 59, 118

mulch 17

mulga 17, 20, 134

horse 134

mullan wattle 19

muriti 104

murlurpa 19

Murray pine 134

murumuru 99

musical instruments 93, 97

musical reeds 124

mustard 123

mustard flavour 90

myall 93

Myoporum spp 114

Myoporum insulare 112, 136

Myoporum laetum 133

Myoporum platycarpum 136

Myrialepis spp 104

MYRTACEAE 72, 73, 92, 129

myrtle berry 73

Myrtus ugni, 73

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Nannorhops ritchieana 104

narcotic 70, 88

narcotic poisoning 87

narran 21

narrow leaved mallee 96

naseberry 67

Nasturtium officinal 123

nasturtiums 119

natal plum 131

native apricot, 112

native cherry 63

native grape 73

nausea 89

nectar 22, 28, 83, 100, 114, 128, 132, 134. (see also bees)

nectarine 118

neem 88

Negundo aceroides 91, 134

Nelumbo nucifera 124


nematodes 40, 68, 88, 89

Nepalese alder 27

neptunia 122

Neptunia oleracea 122

netbush 134

nets 104

nettle 114

nettle tree 77, 111

neuralgia 66

neurasthenia 70

New Zealand broadleaf 112

New Zealand Christmas tree 133

New Zealand laurel 112

New Zealand mirror plant 90, 112, 132

New Zealand spinach 131

nicuri 108

Nigeria raphia 107

nipa palm 104

nispero 67

nitrogen fixing 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 128

nogal 32

Norfolk Island pine 134

North African saltbush 128

North Californian walnut 32

Norway maple 111, 134

Nothofagus cunninghamii 20

Nothofagus moorei 20

nurse crop 17, 24, 27, 28, 65

nut 41, 100, 103, 104

nut butters 43

nut production 31

nutritional composition

almonds 34

Barbados cherry 63

beechnut 83

Brazil cherry 74

Californian live oak 81

carob 79

cherimoya 70

custard apple 70

dates 106

duckweed 122

eastern black walnut 32

English walnut 33

Euphrates poplar 86

Euramerican poplar 87

feijoa 73

figs 57

grumichama 74

guava 72

hazelnut 37

horseradish tree 90

jambolan 75

jujube 61

kang kong 123

lombardy poplar 86

loquat 62

lucuma 66

macadamia 31

olives 60

papaya 63

passionfruit 67

pawpaw 71

pecans 38

pejibaye 99

persimmon 60

persimmon, American 60

pignolia nuts 44

pine nuts 42

pinion 43

pistachio 40

poplar leaves 85

rose apple 74

sapodilla 67

Simon poplar 86

soursop 71

strawberry guava 72

sugar apple 71

sweet chestnut 33

tamarillo 65

taro corms and tubers 122

taro leaves and stems 122

water cress 123

weeping willow 83

white mulberry 59

white poplar 86

white sapote 66

nuts 33, 34, 38, 45, 105

Nympha alba 122

Nympha gigantea 122

Nympha odorata 122

Nympha tellata 122


Nypa fruticans 104

Nyssa aquatica 133

Nyssa ogeche 133

Nyssa sylvatica 133

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oak 115

oaks 33, 80

oars 23, 75

oat grain 16

ocean 134. (see also coastal)

oedema 106

Oenocarpus spp 104

oil 33, 40, 60, 68, 81, 83, 87, 90, 92, 98, 99, 100,
101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 117, 125

oil palm 102

oil tree 89


old man saltbush 128, 134

oldfield birch 132

Olea europaea 60, 112

Olearia spp 136

Olearia haastii 132

Olearia macrodonta 132

oleaster 133, 135

olive 60, 112, 118


Oncocalamus spp 104

Oncosperma horridum 104

ong choy 123

onions 119

open fruited mallee 95

Opuntia spp 112. See also colour plates

orange-fruited palm 107

Orbignya cohune 105

Orbignya cuatracasana 105

Orbignya martiana 105

Orbignya oleifera 105

Orbignya speciosa 105

Oregon alder 27

oriental plane 112

Oryza sativa 124

Oryzopisis miliacea 127

Oryzopsis miliacea 136

osier willow 84

ouricuri palm 108

Ovens acacia 111

ovulation rate 16

Ozark chinquapin 34

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pacay 136

packaging 86

packing 86

packing cases 85, 92

pagoda tree 113

pain in the joints 83

pains 136

painted bug 88

paints 89

pak kachet 122

palatability 15

palma real 108


palmeira 103

Palmer saltgrass 133

palmito branco 102

palmito da Amazonia 102

palmito de coyol 98

palms 117

palmyra palm 100

pampas grass 85, 98, 135

pan pipes 97

Panama raphia 107

pancakes 44

panelling 27, 65, 95

papain 63, 64

papaya 63

papayuelo 64

paper 20, 25, 59, 85, 87, 88, 92, 97, 100, 101, 124, 125

paperbark birch 111

paperbark satinash 75

paperbarks 96, 129

para piassaba 103

Paraguayan nightshade 137

Parajubaea torallyi 105

Parajubaea cocoides 105. See also colour plates

parana pine 41

parasitic worms 88

paripari 89


parquet 130

parrot 31, 32

parrot beak 114

parrotia 112

Parrotia persica 112

parrots 89

Parry pinon 44

parsley 114

parsnip 119

particle board 20

Paspalum distichum 127

Passiflora spp 67

Passiflora antioquiensis 70

Passiflora caerulea 69

Passiflora edulis 68. See also colour plates

Passiflora herbertiana 69

Passiflora incarnata 69

Passiflora ligularis 69

Passiflora mollissima 69. See also colour plates

Passiflora quadrangularis 69


passiflorine 69, 70

passionfruit 67

paste 72

pastries 32

pasture 116

patauã palm 103

paulownia 112

Paulownia tomentosa 112

Paurotis wrightii 105

pawpaw 63, 71

paxiuba 103

PCPs 125

peach 118

peach palm 99, 102

peanut 42

pearl bluebush 128, 136

pearl millet 98, 125, 133

peas 90, 118, 119

peat moss 121

pecan 38, 42, 111

pectin 73

pejibaye 99, 102

Pelargonium spp 114

Pennisetum purpureum 98

Pennisetum spicatum 125

Pennisetum typhoides 125, 133

pepino 64. See also colour plates

peppercorn tree 113

pepperidge 133

peppermint tree 134

perfumes 87

periwinkle 114, 137

Persea borbonica 133

Persian mulberry 59

Persian walnut 33, 42, 112

persimmon 59, 118

Pfitzer juniper 136

Phalaris arundinacea 125

Phalaris truncata 127

Phillip’s river gum 116

Phoenix canariensis 105

Phoenix dactylifera 106, 136

Phoenix sylvestris 106

Phoenix zeylandica 106

photinia 112

Photinia spp 137

Photinia glabra 112

Photinia serrulata 112

Phragmites spp 124

Phragmites australis 124

Phragmites communis 124

Phyllostachys angusta 97

Phyllostachys aurea 97

Phyllostachys bambusoides 97, 136

Phyllostachys meyeri 97

Phyllostachys nigra 97

Phyllostachys rumbromarginata 97

Phyllostachys vivax 97

Phytelephas macrocarpa 106

Phytophthora cinnamomii 31

piacava 99, 103

piassaba 103

piassava 99

pickles 21, 98, 131, 132, 135

Pickling olives 61

Pieris brassicae 88

pies 59, 71, 74, 108, 133

pigeons 45

pigface 114, 131

pignolia nut 44

pigs 16, 28, 59, 81, 82, 83, 91, 99, 101, 102, 105, 107, 121, 122

piles 89

pilings 26, 101

pillars 101

pin oak 113


pinang 106

Pinanga spp 106

pine 42

pineapple guava. 73

piñones 41

Pinus spp 42

Pinus albicaulis 42

Pinus armandii 42

Pinus ayachuite 42

Pinus cembra 42

Pinus cembroides 42, 43

Pinus coulteri 43

Pinus edulis 42, 43

Pinus flexilis 43

Pinus gerardiana 42

Pinus griffithii 43, 136

Pinus jeffreyi 43

Pinus johannis 43, 136

Pinus lambertiana 44

Pinus maximartinezii 44

Pinus monophylla 42, 44

Pinus pinea 42, 44

Pinus quadrifolia 42, 44

Pinus radiata 77

Pinus sabiniana 42, 44

Pinus sibirica 42

Pinus strobiformis 42

Pinus torreyana 45

Pinus wallichiana 43, 136

pioneer 15, 19, 63, 133

pistachio 40

Pistacia atlantica 40, 136

Pistacia chinensis 40, 112

Pistacia spp 40

Pistacia terebinthus 40

Pistacia vera 40


pitanga 74

Pittosporum crassifolium 132

Pittosporum eugenioides 112

Pittosporum phillyreoides 112, 136

Pittosporum tobira 132

Pittosporum undulatum 112

planking 72, 86. (see also timber)

plankton 121

plantain 114

Platanus acerifolia 112

Platanus orientalis 112

pleach 115. See also colour plates

Plectocomia spp 107

Plectocomiopsis spp 107

ploughs 130

plum 113, 118

plum puddings 132

Plumbago spp 136

plume grevillea 135

plywood 20, 26, 83, 85, 86, 94

POACEAE 123, 124, 125

pods 28

Pogonotium spp 107

poison 137

poison ivy 136

poisoning 21

poisonous 87

poles 19, 20, 23, 28, 89, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97. (see also timber, posts)

polish 62

pollen 17, 21, 26, 83, 91, 93, 95, 114, 136. (see also bees)

pollution 91, 137

Polyandrococos candescens 107

Polypogon monspeliensis 127

ponga 89

pongam 89

poor drainage 82, 90, 93, 95

poplars 84, 98, 115

Populus spp 84

Populus alba 86, 112, 136

Populus canescens 136

Populus deltoides 86, 87, 113

Populus euphratica 86, 113

Populus nigra 86, 87, 113

Populus simonii 86, 113

Populus tremula 133

Populus x canescens 86

Populus x euramericana 87

Populus yunnanensis 86, 113

porridge 108, 132

Portugese oak 113. See also colour plates

Portulaca spp 114

Portulaca oleracea 133

posts 17, 19, 23, 62, 65, 74, 89, 93, 94, 96, 106.
(see also timber, fence posts, poles)

potash 83

potatoes 65, 119

poultice 70

poultry 16, 17, 18, 21, 27, 28, 57, 59, 73, 83, 89, 90, 99,
105, 121, 122, 133, 135, 136

Pouteria lucmo 66

Pouteria obovata 66

powder bark wandoo 94, 96

power lines 93

preserves 59, 62, 65, 71, 74, 77, 91, 132, 133

Prestoea spp 107

prickly custard apple 71

prickly paperbark 129

prickly pears 112

prickly wattle 21

pride of Bolivia 24

pride of China 87

pride of Madeira 117, 135. See also colour plates

Pritchardia spp 107

Pritchardia brevicalyx 107

Pritchardia gaudichaudi 107

Pritchardia hillebrandii 107

privet 112

prostrate rosemary 114


protein 89

prune 118

Prunus spp 113, 117

Prunus amygdalus 34

Prunus salicifolia 65. See also colour plates

Prunus spp 136

Pseudophoenix vinifera 107

Psidium spp 72

Psidium cattleianum 72

Psidium guajava 72

Psidium guineense 72

puccinellia 127

Puccinellia capillaris 127

Puccinellia ciliata 127

puddings 43, 44, 61, 71, 108, 123

pulp 18, 23, 26, 27, 85, 86, 91, 92, 94, 125

pump 27

pumpkin 119

purgative 87, 88, 89

purple cherry 75

purple passionfruit 68

pylons 130

Pyracantha spp 136

pyramid tree 112

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quandong 134

Quercus spp 80

Quercus acutissima 113

Quercus agrifolia 80

Quercus alba 80

Quercus bicolor 80

Quercus borealis 82

Quercus canariensis 113

Quercus cerris 80, 113, 136

Quercus douglasii 113

Quercus emoryi 80

Quercus frainetto 80

Quercus ilex 80, 113, 132, 136. See also colour plates

Quercus lobata 81, 113

Quercus lusitanica 113. See also colour plates

Quercus macrocarpa 81, 113

Quercus michauxii 81

Quercus muehlenbergii 81

Quercus palustris 113

Quercus petraea 81

Quercus phellos 81, 113

Quercus prinus 81

Quercus robur 81, 113, 136

Quercus rubra 82

Quercus suber 80, 82, 113

Quercus virginiana 82, 113

quince 114, 118

quinoa 133

Quito palm 105. See also colour plates

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rabbits 16

radishes 119

raffia palm 107

rafters 23, 25, 106

rafts 104

railroad ties 130

rails 93

railway carriages 130

railway sleepers 28, 67, 95, 96. (see also sleepers)

ramram 26

Raphia spp 107

Raphia farinifera 107

Raphia ruffia 107

Raphia taedigara 107

Raphia vinifera 107

Raphiolepis spp 132

raspberries 118, 119

raspberry 114, 115

raspberry jam 95, See also colour plates

rattan 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107

rau nhút 122

rayon 25

rayon pulp 20

red alder 27, 111

red bay 133

red bloodwood 116

red box 94, 95, 117

red cedar 113

red gum 92

red ironbark 94, 96

red leaf photinia 112

red morrel 95

red mulberry 59

red oak 82

red stringybark 116

redwood 95, 96

reed canary grass 125

reed grass 125

relaxed throat 75

relish 40

remnant forest 116

rennet 136

resin 40, 41

respiratory troubles 66

Retispatha spp 107

Rhagodia spp 114, 136


rheumatic complaints 83

rheumatism 27, 33, 66, 72, 87, 89

rhubarb 58

Rhus spp 136

Rhus succedanea 136

Ribes spp 137

rice 121

rice fields 123

rice weevil 88

ricin 87

Ricinus communis 87

ridge-fruited mallee 116

ringworm 32

river banks 22, 23, 24, 73, 85, 87

river cooba 21, 134

river flats 94

river red gum 93, 94, 116

river saltbush 128

river sheoak 23, 111, 134

robby 76

Robinia pseudoacacia 28, 113. See also colour plates

rock outcrops 21

rock rose 135, 136

rocky 18, 23, 24, 26, 43, 44, 79, 81, 82, 89, 95, 107

rodents 45

Roghan 87

roofing 103

roofing beams, 62

roofing shingles 23

roofing timbers 81, 82, 85

rooting hormone 83

root-knot 40

roots 124, 125, 137

rope 71, 89, 104, 105

Rorippa nasturtium-aquatica 123

ROSACEAE 34, 62, 65, 89, 91

rose apple 74, 137

rose gum 116

rose sheoak 24

rose water 74

rosemary 114, 115

roses 119

rosewood 24

Rosmarinus spp 137

Rosmarinus officinalis prostratus 114

Rottnest Island pine 129, 134

rough shelled macadamia 31

round kumquat 112

round leaved moort 95

rowan 91, 113

royal palm 107

Roystonea elata 107


ruby 132

rue 114, 119

rulers 67

runner 97

running postman 114

Russian olive 112, 133, 135

Russian thistle 133


rye grass 15, 127

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Sabal palmetto 108

sacking 104

sacred grove 89

sacred lotus 124

saddles 105

sage 114, 115, 119

Sagittaria fasciculata 124

Sagittaria latifolia 124

Sagittaria sagittifolia 124

Sagittaria sinensis 124

Sagittaria trifolia 124

sago 101

sago palms 104

sails 103

Salacca conferta 108

Salacca edulis 108

Salacca zalacca 108

salad-oil 83

salads 25, 69, 83, 90, 122, 123, 124, 131, 132

salak palm 108


salicin 83

saline 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 61, 62, 90, 93, 95, 96, 127. (see also salt)

saline soils 21, 24, 86, 106, 127

saline water 45, 71

salinity 25, 40, 83, 84, 86, 89, 125, 127, 128

Salix spp 83, 113

Salix alba 83, 137

Salix babylonica 84

Salix caprea 133

Salix elaeagnos 84

Salix humboltii 84

Salix incana 84

Salix matsudana 84

Salix viminalis 84

sallow 133

salmon gum 93, 94, 95, 96, 117

Salsola iberica 133

salt 19, 20, 26, 28, 62, 79, 93, 95, 96, 106, 134

salt bush 132

salt grass 133

salt lakes 24

salt resistance 60

salt river gum 96

salt scalds 85

salt sheoak 111

salt spray 21, 22, 24, 62, 63, 67, 70, 74, 77, 86, 90, 134.
(see also coast)

salt substitute 103, 131, 136

salt tolerant 19, 21, 23, 85, 122, 134, 135

salt water 89

salt wattle 17, 134

saltbush 96, 111, 114, 128

saltpans 131

saltwater 23

salt-water couch 127

saltwort 131

salty winds 22

Sambucus spp 137

samphires 129

sand 19, 21, 23, 27, 74

sand binder 131

sand dunes 18, 22, 23, 93

sand stabilisation 18, 21

sandals 124

sandhill wattle 19, 134

sandplains 21

sandstone 18, 105

sandwiches 123

sandy 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 35, 45, 57, 60, 74, 79,
82, 87, 88, 89, 93, 94, 96, 104, 132

Santalum acuminatum 134

Santo Domingo apricot 67

Santolina spp 114, 137

Sapindus saponaria 133

Sapium sebiferum 90, 113

sapodilla 67

saponin 22

sapota 67


Sarcocornia quinqueflora 131

Sarcocornia stricta 131

sarcophagi 92

Sasa palmata 97

sauces 43, 44, 62, 68, 69, 131, 133

savin juniper 136

saw palmetto 108

scabies 27

scabs 27

scaffolding 97

scalds 75, 131

scanty urine 75

scarification 79

scarlet flowering gum 116

Scheelea butyracea 108

Scheelea macrocarpa 108

Scheelea preussii 108

Schinus molle 113

Schinzia alni 26

Schirtoceroa gregaria 88

sciatica 87

screen 86, 106

scrofula 33

scurvy 70, 130

sea blight 131

sea celery 130

sea fennel 133

sea grape 131

sea pink 131

sea purslane 131

sea shore 22. (see also coast)

sea shore marshes 127

sea winds 105. (see also coast)

sealing wax palm 101

seashore 127

seashore mallow 133

seaside 76

sedative 66, 69, 70

Sedum spp 114

seed 21, 108, 123, 124, 125, 132

seed pods 122

seje 103

semi-arid 17, 18, 19, 21

Senecio spp 137

Senecio reinoldii 137

senna 58, 114

serdang 103

Serenoa repens 108

service tree 113

sessile oak 81

Sesuvian portulacastrum 131

sewerage 85

shade 18, 19, 21, 24, 27, 28, 44, 59, 60, 62, 67, 71,
77, 82, 86, 95, 125

shade tolerant 59, 64, 74, 76, 108

shafts 59

shallow soils 19

shampoos 45

sheep 19, 20, 21, 26, 28, 45, 62, 85. (see also
stock feed, fodder)

sheep hurdles 37

shellac 62

shelter 18, 19, 26, 44, 97, 98

shelter belts 22, 23, 28, 90, (see also windbreak)

sheoak 22, 93, 111

sherbets 133

shifting agriculture 25

shifting cultivation 99

shingles 23, 24

shipbuilding 81, 82, 93

shock resistant 94

shoots 124, 125

shrubby bluebush 128, 136

Sierra chinquapin 34

siglalon 64

silk 22, 87

silk-rollers 86

silkworm 59, 62, 75, 87

silky oak 112

silver banksia 134

silver birch 111

silver date palm 106

silver mallet 95

silver topped gimlet 95

silver wattle 18

silverbeet 119

silvering 132

Simmondsia californica 45

Simmondsia chinensis 45. See also colour plates


Simon poplar 86, 113

single-leaf piñon pine 44

siris tree 22

sissoo 130

Sitophilus oryzae 88

Sitophylis oryzae 88

skin cancers 134

skin diseases 83, 89

skin problems 27, 33, 70

sleepers 92, 93, 94, 95. (see also railway sleepers)

sluices 27

small leaved ice plant 114

small leaved lillipilli 76

small stilted mangrove 132

small-leafed bluebush 128

smilo 127, 136

smith’s work 97

smiths, silver 106

smooth barked rose apple 75

smooth shelled macadamia 31

snow 26, 71

snow gum 117

soap 87, 88, 89, 90

soap mallee 116

soapberry 133

soaps 103

Socratea spp 108

soft drink 68

softwood 27, 41

soil erosion 98

soil protection 18

soil reclamation 27

soil stabilisation 18, 19, 21, 22


Solanum basendopogon 65

Solanum muricatum 64

Solanum rantonnetii 137

solar energy 121

soledad pine 45

solid cart wheels 75

somnolence 71

Sophora japonica 113

Sophora secundiflora 137

Sorbus aria 137

Sorbus aucuparia 91, 113

Sorbus domestica 113

Sorbus edulis 91

Sorbus intermedia 137

sore throat 63

sores. 135

sorrel 114

soups 25, 43, 44, 61, 69, 80, 90, 91, 123

sour gum 133

soursop 71

South American wax palm 100

South Australian blue gum 94

south west albizia 111

southern catalpa 111

southern live oak 82

southern magnolia 112

southernwood 114, 118

soybean 68, 122

spaghetti 43

Spanish chestnut 33

spear shafts 62

spears 124

spearwood 19, 134

sperm whale oil 45

spice 136

spiked acacia 22, 134

spinach 119

spine-tipped wattle 18, 134

spinifex 96

spinning wheels 27

Spirodella spp 121

Spirodella oligorhiza 122

Spirodella polyrhiza 122

spleen enlargement 88

Spodoptera litura 88

spokes 59

spongy gums 75

spoons 27

sporting goods 59, 92

spotted gum 94, 112, 116

sprouts 123

spurge nettle 131

square fruited mallee 94, 96

squash 119

stabilisation 21

stakes 28

starch 41, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104

staves 24

stews 25, 80, 123

sticky wattle 19, 111

stiffness in the joints 83

stimulant 83

stings 131

stock 132

stock feed 16, 25, 27, 28, 45, 79, 82, 84, 90, 97, 125.
(see also fodder)

stomachic 70, 75, 88

stomatitis 75

stone bamboo 97

stone pine 44

stony 18, 21, 81, 88

strangler fig 57

strawberries 119

strawberry clover 128, 137

strawberry guava 72

strawberry tree 90

street tree 28, 93

string 71

structural 94, 130

stuffings 43

stupor 71

Sturt’s desert pea 135

Sturt’s saltbush 132

Suadea australis 131

submerged 121

suckering 85, 86, 101, 102, 104, 133, 136

suckers 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 37, 41, 61, 71, 72,
80, 82, 86, 89, 99, 130

sugar 44, 95, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107

sugar apple 70

sugar gum 116

sugar palm 99

sugar pine nut 44

sugarwood 136

sulla 128, 136

sumacs 136

sun rose 135

sunflower 68, 114, 119

sunrose 114

suppressed urine 75

Surinam cherry 74

swamp 101, 104

swamp chestnut oak 81

swamp cyprus 113

swamp gum 117

swamp oak 111, 132

swamp palmetto 108

swamp sheoak 129

swamp stabilisation 101

swamp white oak 80

swamp yate 95, 117, 135

swamps 20, 23, 105, 107

swampy 22, 24, 26, 27, 83, 103, 129, 132

Swan River cypress pine 132

Swan River daisy 134

Swan River pea bush 134

Swan River peppermint 93

sweaty feet 33

Swedish whitebeam 137

sweet 61

sweet bay laurel 136

sweet chestnut 33, 111

sweet granadilla 69

sweet hakea 112

sweet pittosporum 112

sweetcorn 119

sweetmeat 80, 132, 32, 44, 61

sweetsop 70

swellings 27, 87

Swietenia mahagoni 133, 137

Swiss stone pine 42

Syagrus comosa 108

Syagrus coronata 108

sycamore 111

Sydney black wattle 18

Symphoricarpos spp 137

Syncarpia spp 23

Syringa spp 137

Syringa vulgaris 137

syrup 66, 69, 77, 106, 108, 125, 131

Syzigium spp 73

Syzygium bungadinnia 75

Syzygium coolminianum 75

Syzygium cormiflorum 75

Syzygium crebrinerve 75

Syzygium cumini 74

Syzygium forte 75

Syzygium hodgkiosoniae 75

Syzygium jambos 74, 137

Syzygium luehmannii 76

Syzygium minutiflorum 76

Syzygium moorei 76

Syzygium oleosum 76

Syzygium paniculatum 76

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tabaros palm 105

tables 85

tacso 68

tagasaste 15, 79, 112, 115. See also colour plates

tagua 106

talipot palm 101

tall fescue 127, 128

tall sand mallee 93, 116

tall wheat grass 127

tallerack 95

tamales 65

tamarillo 65. See also colour plates

tamarind 62

tamarisk 129

Tamarix spp 132, 137

Tamarix aphylla 113, 129

Tamarix articulata 129

Tamarix gallica 133

tania 125

tannin 20, 23, 41, 63, 80, 93, 96, 134

tanning 23, 62, 63, 72, 74, 75, 77

tansy 114, 118

tarata 112

tarbush 135

taro 122, 123

taupata 90

Taxodium distichum 113, 133. See also colour plates

tea 43, 44, 91, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136

tea substitute 134, 135

Tecomaria spp 137

teeth 27

temiche palm 103

tempeh 25

terebinth pistachio 40

Terminalia oblongata 19

termite 19, 62, 67, 89, 93

teticornia 134

Teticornia australasica 134

Teticornia verrucosa 134

Tetragonia tetragonioides 131

textile industry 59

thammal 90

thanboi 90

thatch 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108

thatch palms 108, 137

thatching 124

thickets 20

thistle 114, 115

thorns 28

Thrinax spp 108, 137

throat ailments 61, 72, 75, 106

thyme 114, 115, 119

Thyrucarpus fortunei 108

tidal 104, 134

tilapia 121

Tilia vulgaris 113

timber 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 58,
59, 62, 65, 66, 67, 73, 74, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87,
91, 92, 93, 95, 134. (see also cabinet making,
construction, furniture, mine timbers, planking,
posts, rafters, railway sleepers, roofing wood)

timber, bending 20, 25, 130

timber, fragrant 136

timber, laminated 20

Tipuana tipu 24. See photo front cover

tjilpirinpa 21

tobacco 20

tobacco cutworm 88

tobacco pipes 66

toddy 88, 108

toddy palm 100

tomatoes 119

tonic 27, 33, 88, 136

tool handles 17, 20, 23, 24, 59, 65, 67, 72, 88, 91, 92, 94

Toona australis 113

toothache 72, 87, 106

toothbrushes 89

toothpaste 63

torches 97

Torrey pine nut 45

tortillas 25

totaia 98

toys 130

trace elements 98

trailing chinquapin 34

tranquilliser 66, 69

Trapa spp 122


tread softly 131

trebizond date 133, 135

tree lucerne 15

tree lupin 17, 136

tree melon 63

Trifolium fragiferum 128, 137

trimming in prestige cars 33

trinius 124

Triodia spp 17, 96

Tristania spp 113

truck trays 93

tuart 93, 116

tubers 124, 125

tucuma 99

tulip tree 112

tumours 58

tupelo 117

Turkey oak 80, 113, 136

Turkey red oil 87

turnery 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 59, 75, 83, 86, 88, 91

turnips 119

turns 20

twin coconut 103

twin-leaf emu bush 135

twinning rate 16

two-leaved pine 43

two-veined acacia 18, 134

typewriter ink 87

Typha spp 124, 134. See also colour plates

Typha orientalis 124


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ugni 73

Ugni molinaea 73

ulcers 72, 73

Ulex europaeus 132

Ulmus spp 113

umbrella pine 44

umbrellas 107

unconsciousness 71

urinary complaints 89

urinary diseases 73

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Vaccinium spp 76, 125

valerian 114

valley oak 81, 113

vanilla 23

varicose veins 73

varnishes 89

vegetable 20, 25, 40, 63, 69, 90, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 107,
108, 122, 123, 124, 125, 130, 131, 132

veneer 83, 92, 130

Venezuelan walnut 33

verbena 114

Verbena peruviana 114

vermifuge 70, 72

verusin 114

veterinary medicine 99

Vinca spp 114, 137

vinegar 74

vinegar. 137

vino de coyol 98

violet 114, 115

virility 33

vomiting 27

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wagon wheels 23

walking stick palm 103

walking sticks 37, 103, 106

walnut 32, 38, 114, 118

wandoo 94, 96, 117

wapatoo 124

warrigal cabbage 131

warts 58

Washington thorn 112, 135

Washingtonia filifera 108

wasps 57

watchmakers oil 90

water caltrop 122

water courses 21, 23, 93

water cress 123

water filter 125

water fowl 122, 124

water lilies 123

water mimosa 122

water pipes 97

water spinach 123

watercourses 20, 26, 74, 94

waterfowl 121

waterlogging 17, 18, 19, 22, 25, 59, 61, 72, 83, 84, 98, 127, 129

waterside structures 27

waterways 23

wavy leaf saltbush 128

wax 90, 100, 101, 108, 136

wax cloth 87

weaving 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108

weeping bottlebrush 134

weeping myall 20

weeping pittosporum 112, 136

weeping willow 84

weevil 125

Weigela spp 137

Welfia spp 108

West Indian cherry 63

West Indian mahogany 133, 137

Western Australian blackbutt 95

Western Australian swamp sheoak 23

western tea tree 136

western wattle 21, 111

Westringia 132

wet 25

wetlands 80, 81

wharves 94

wheat grain 15, 16

wheel spokes 24

wheelwright 93, 94

whispering myall 21, 134

white apple 75

white beam 137

white birch 132

white box 92, 94, 116

white cedar 87, 112, 136

white cloud tree 129

white gum 96

white mangrove 132

white mulberry 59

white oak 80

white poplar 86, 112, 136

white sapote 66, 118. See also colour plates. See also colour plates

white willow 83, 137

whitebark pine nut 42

wild broomcorn 124

wild date palm 106

wild rice 125

wildflower 117, 135

wildlife habitat 28

willow 83, 113, 115

willow hakea 112

willow oak 81, 113

Wiluna willow 112

wind 24, 40, 43, 44, 62, 64, 66, 67, 74, 93, 96

windbreak 19, 20, 21, 23, 60, 62, 67, 71, 73, 86, 90, 96,
98, 133. See also colour plates. (see also shelter belt)

winds 60, 95

wine 62, 63, 65, 68, 69, 74, 77, 91, 98, 99, 100, 101,
102, 103, 104, 107, 108, 131, 132, 133

wine palm 108

wine raffia palm 107

wirilig 19

witchhazel 114

Wolffia spp 121

Wolffia arrhiza 122

Wolffiella spp 121

wood 18, 21, 22, 25, 32, 40, 62, 63, 65, 66, 72, 73,
74, 80, 82, 83, 86, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99,
100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 130, 132, 133. (see also timber)

wood oils 87

wooden heels 27

wooden toys 85

woodwool 85

woodwork 32

wool 16, 25

woolly yarrow 114

worms 89

wounds 72, 89

wrapping paper 20

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Permaculture Plants a Selection



Xanthosoma spp 125


yams 69

yarey palms 101

yarri 95, 117

yatay palm 100

yate 93, 116

yautia 125

yellow box 94, 116

yellow chestnut oak 81

yellow gum 94

yellow passionfruit 68

yellow stringybark 94, 117

yellow velvetleaf 123

yerba santa 114

yokes 23, 24, 75

York gum 94, 95

Yucca spp 137


Zalacca conferta 108

zelkova 113

Zelkova serrata 113

Zizania aquatica 125

Zizania caducifolia 125

Zizania latifolia 125

Ziziphus spp 61

Ziziphus jujuba 61, 137

Ziziphus mauritiana 62, 130

Ziziphus nummularia 62, 130

Ziziphus spina-christi 62

Ziziphus vulgaris 61, 137

Zombia spp 108

Zostera marina 134

zucchini 119

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